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Cover reveal – Changing Fate by Michelle Merrill


I’m so happy to be part of a cover reveal for this wonderful book, especially since the author is good friend of mine and she has written this book for a wonderful cause! It’s a clean YA romance.

Changing Fate

Release date: May 8, 2014

All Kate wants is to live. Battling cystic fibrosis is hard enough, dying from it is even harder. When her mom moves them closer to the hospital in the middle of her senior year, Kate’s determined to isolate herself—saving everyone the trouble of befriending a dying girl. It’s a difficult task when cheerful optimist Giana insists on being Kate’s friend.

Kate’s resolve falters even more when curly-haired Kyler captivates her with his sweet melodies. As her emotional walls collapse, Kate realizes the people she’s been pushing away may be the ones giving her a reason to live. But it might be too late.

The final


NOTE: Half of all proceeds will be donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. How awesome is THAT??

Headshot #4

Michelle Merrill loves kissing her hubby, snuggling her kids, eating candy, reading books, and writing first drafts. She names her computers after favorite fictional characters and fictional characters after favorite names. To learn more about her, visit

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Published inAuthor Friends


  1. Karen Rowley Karen Rowley

    Very good cover reveal, Annette! Sounds like good story I will likely read.

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