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Missing Lily Cover Reveal!


“You don’t know who I am,” I whispered. He didn’t move—either away from me, or closer—and after an interminable moment, I stepped back and hurried out of the house.

He didn’t follow me as I fled into the night.

Lylin is not used to being alone—much less alone, hurt, and lost. So when she is separated from her guard and forced to abandon her horse, she counts herself lucky to stumble upon a manor house. Still frightened by those who chased her into the night, she keeps her identity a secret, calling herself Lily as she accepts the help of kind servants and the compassion of Lord Fallon. When they fall into an easy friendship, she wonders if her secrecy was too hasty. However, as she gets to know the manor and its residents, Lylin discovers that she’s not the only one hiding secrets and it may be a very good thing that her host doesn’t know her true identity as a member of the royal family.

Release Date: May 15

A huge thanks to Kimball at for the photo

Thank you to Cameron—my husband, my love, my sweetheart—for the concept, editing and overall awesomeness.

And thank you to my wonderful model; you rocked it.

Published inBook CoversMissing Lily


  1. I am so completely excited about this! And the cover turned out amazing!!!!!! I’m so glad you wracked your brain for so long; it paid off!

  2. victoria victoria

    a very beautiful cover. i love it! i also want to read your other book:just ella.. but can’t do that because i don’t have a credit card. i also from indonesia. how can i buy the ebook version by cash in rupiahs?

    • I honestly don’t think there is a way to buy from amazon with cash. I’m so sorry! If I can think of a solution, I’ll let you know.

  3. victoria victoria

    sorry for the bother. but i just reaally want to read your novels. especially when i know from goodreads that yours are truly great story and clean and sweet romance. i also adore julianne donnaldson and sarah eden romance. so, i think yours will suit my taste very much. thank you very much for your answer then.^^

  4. […] also recently used my Maven Adapter to shoot the artwork for the cover of Missing Lily, a new novel by Annette K. Larsen.  Check out her work if you love clean […]

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