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Month: May 2014

Tour Stops and Hidden Identity

Here’s the links for the last several days of blog tour stops! I’m having so much fun getting the chance to read the different reviews and seeing how people are reacting to my second book. It’s certainly different than the feedback I got for Just Ella, because readers have something to compare my second book to. It’s fascinating. 🙂

If you’re interested, you can check out the guest post I did for Sheila Deeth. It’s about why I took on the theme of hidden identity in my writing.

Missing Lily Release!


Finally! The day has arrived! I’m so excited to have Missing Lily available for purchase on amazon and nook! It’s been crazy, and wonderful, and fun—and yes, stressful too—and now I’ve reached the finish line. *heaving a sigh of relief*

Now I get to wait and wonder and hope that everyone will enjoy it. If I was in the habit of biting my nails, I’d be doing that, but I’m not. So, instead I will twirl my hair in anticipation (cause that is one of my nervous habits—oh the useless information I will give out). In all seriousness, I do wonder what the response to Missing Lily will be in comparison to Just Ella. Hopefully my second novel will impress you and not let you down. 🙂