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Interview, and other Tour Stops

The ball is really rolling with the Blog Tour! Here’s the latest round of reviews and whatnot. I did an interview with The Cover Contessa, if you want to check it out.

Also, as a random for-fun: this is my theme song for Chapter One of Missing Lily. It’s one of those song that just seeps into me any time I listen to it.

It’s called Homage For the Suffereing, by Matthew Perryman Jones.

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May 25th
The Wonderings of One Person – Spotlight

May 26th
Room With Books – Review

May 27th
Romance With A Book – Spotlight
The Cover Contessa – Interview
Mel’s Shelves – Review
Confessions of a First Time Novelist – Review
StoreyBook Reviews – Review
Katie’s Clean Book Collection – Review


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