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Springback Cover Reveal

I’m so excited to post this cover reveal! Most of you have heard me talk about my awesome editor, Jana Miller. She also happens to be my sister, and in a few weeks she will be an author! In addition to being an amazing editor, she’s also a fantastic writer and has finished her first YA novel about time manipulation. It’s such a fun read.

I feel like I need to add a caveat here and say IT IS NOT ROMANCE. I don’t want y’all going into it expecting romance (because we all know I’m all about romance), and then being disappointed when it’s not, because then you might decide to give it a bad review and I’d have to go all protective-younger-sister on all y’all. So just know it’s a fantastic, fun, well-written and clean read. But no romance.

So, without further ado. The COVER!


Pre-order Springback here.


Ring of Time: Book 1

Author: Jana Miller
Genre: Speculative YA
Release Date: July 5th, 2019

Ever since discovering her ability to rewind time seven years ago, Chloe has been reaching—reaching for a worthy use of her ability, reaching for redemption from her past, and reaching for the kind of validation she’ll never find as long as she has to keep this secret.

By the time she’s sixteen, Chloe has decided that rewinding is not a gift at all, but punishment for her part in the tragedy that has shaped her life. And when she discovers that Jake, a careless senior in one of her classes, possesses the same ability, she has no idea what to do about it or whether she can even trust him. But then other rewinders reveal themselves, and Chloe finds that there’s much more to her own story than she’s ever imagined. 

Secrets of the past combine with rivalries of the present to set off a series of painful events and impossible discoveries, and soon Jake and Chloe find themselves in a race to piece together a puzzle of ancient relics, family feuds, and strands of time as they seek to defuse the threat not only to their powers but to her family and the fabric of time itself.


Sounds awesome, right?! It was so fun to read and I hope all of you who enjoy YA will give it a try.

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Published inAuthor Friends

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