Shall we have a cover reveal? I think we shall.

My approach for this cover was different than any of my others. For each of my other books I’ve been able to come up with a pretty solid concept of what I wanted the cover to be. I always had a jumping off point that I could work with and develop until I reached the point where I knew enough of what I wanted that I could convey it to my husband and he could put it together for me.
For this book, I just could not see it, any of it. I had no vision for this cover. I couldn’t even think of a concept photo shoot that I would want to do. I had nothin’.
I decided I needed a cover artist, someone who had not only the photoshop know-how, but also the creative vision. A cover artist was recommended to me, and by sheer luck, she had one opening in July that I was able to snag so that I didn’t have to wait until September to get on her calendar. *huge sigh of relief*
That opening happened to be over the 4th of July, so I was up in the mountains around Cascade with limited cell service, but I was able to communicate back and forth with her enough that we (really she) got the job done! She was so good at coming up with concepts, giving me lots of different options, and working with my vague feedback. Finally, she hit upon the perfect concept and it was easy peazy to get it perfect from there.
The Blurb:
Libby and Sean have been best friends for years. Libby was there to help him climb the ladder of success, but now that Sean has made it big in the music industry, he’s fallen into the cliché bad habits of stardom, and Libby is constantly having to pull her delinquent best friend out of trouble. The emotional toll is wearing her down, but she’s afraid that putting herself first will mean leaving Sean to self-destruct.
Eventually, Sean’s recklessness lands him in serious trouble, and Libby is forced to make a heart-breaking decision. Rather than becoming collateral damage to Sean’s fame and addiction, she chooses to save herself…by walking away.
Years later, Libby has lived a lot of life, and instead of being the one to pull Sean out of the darkness, she finds herself in need of rescuing. Can she trust Sean to be there for her, or will allowing him back into her life put her broken heart in greater danger?
Full of heart-wrenching decisions and a friendship with the potential to be so much more, Songs for Libby takes a hard look at what it means to truly love someone, what it takes to restore trust after it’s been all used up, and the joy that comes from fighting the battles that need to be won.

Isn’t it lovely? I think it so perfectly captures the heart of this book. 💕 📚
It’s listed on Goodreads, so go ahead and add it to your want-to-read shelf!
It’s not up for pre-order yet, because that requires that I commit to a publication date, and I’m not quite ready for that. I am aiming for mid-October, though. So, don’t mark your calendar yet, but you can get your pen out so that when I get over my fear of commitment, you’ll be ready to mark it. 🙂

Book highlights:
I read Duke of Knight by Elizabeth Johns a couple weeks ago. It was a cute an clean regency. It’s $.99.
Evie’s Knight is $.99. I’ve read several of Kimberly’s books and really enjoyed them. This looks like a retelling of Sleeping Beauty.

Your cover looks so perfect ! What a great job your cover artist did. It looks very inviting. I wish you the best of luck for this new book. Love ya lots!