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Counting Down


Sixteen days, my friends, until Songs for Libby is released.

Here’s the thing.

This indie-author thing that I’m doing—it’s hard. And frustrating. And I seriously don’t know what I’m doing sometimes. All my marketing and launch ideas feel like one giant crapshoot. Will they work? Won’t they?


With Amazon search algorithms, it’s important that I try to get as many reviews in the first few days and weeks of publication as I can. I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to do this that will result in authentic, honest reviews, and that will benefit both me and those who are nice enough to provide said review.

Here’s what I’ve come up with: Songs for Libby will release on October 15. If you would like an ADVANCE COPY of my book, I will provide one to you if you:

1) Go PRE-ORDER the book. 

2) Take a SCREENSHOT of the “Thanks, so-and-so, Songs for Libby will be auto-delivered wirelessly to your Kindle on October 15, 2020.” **If you have already preordered it and you would like to do this, you can take a screenshot of the email you received, verifying your preorder**

3) EMAIL that screenshot to me so that I know you have pre-ordered. [email protected]

Then: As soon as I receive your email, I will send you a link to download an advance copy with the understanding that you will:

4) Review my book ASAP on Goodreads (IF you have an account).

5) Post an honest review on Amazon (this is the most important one) as soon as the book releases.

I will be checking in with you after the book releases and asking you to do that, and maybe even requesting a link to your review so that I know it’s done.

Please do not feel obligated to do this! If it’s not something you can commit to, that’s totally fine! But if you DO agree to this little trade, please be sure that you can commit to writing and posting the review within a week of release.

Having you pre-order it guarantees that it will be a verified purchase on Amazon, and that gives your review more weight with the Amazon algorithms.

Hopefully this interests some of you. If so, Here’s the preorder link. I look forward to hearing from some of you!

And if you’d like to check out another of my marketing, get-my-name-out-there strategies, I’ve been trying to beef up my YouTube channel.

Book Highlights:

I’m in the middle of reading this one right now. No Matter What by Delaney Cameron. It’s only $.99 and it’s a guy-steals-girl-away-from-step-brother trope. 😳 Should be fun!

He has no problem with his stepbrother’s new girlfriend. Until he meets her.
She has a big problem with her boyfriend’s stepbrother. Until she gets to know him.

Letter’s for Phoebe is the first book of a multi-author regency series. I really enjoyed this one! It was a fun premise and I always enjoy a good letter-writing romance.

When Phoebe starts receiving anonymous letters, she never once thinks the most irresponsible man in London is her correspondent. Or that she will fall in love with him.

Published inFrustrationsPublishing ProcessSongs for LibbyWriting Process

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