First, an update, because I realize that’s likely what y’all are most interested in.
My Tales of Winberg series is coming along. The manuscripts for both HOOKED and HUNTED are finished. HIDDEN is giving me a bit of trouble. It’s like a know too many of my plot points, and so I can’t find an entry point to dive into the story. I suppose this is what comes of pantsing eleven manuscripts and then trying to be more of a plotter on the twelfth.
Or, it could just be that I need to sit my butt in my chair and get over my self. It’s one or the other.
I attended a writing conference a couple weeks ago. I ended up attending virtually and I was lucky enough to get together with my writerly sisters, Jana Miller (Springback) and Kimberly Jepson (First book to come, and it’s going to be swashbuckling). We had a grand time taking classes and talking writing. As we were listening to the different presenters, we started to ponder what sort of things we might teach if we wanted to submit a class proposal for such a conference.
One of my critique partners suggested several months ago that I should do a class on writing kissing scenes. Now, I do love the kissing scenes, but I’m not sure I’d be able to stand up and tell people how to write kisses without a fair amount of discomfort and awkwardness.
No, the thing that I ultimately ended up thinking about was how to write emotion. More specifically, writing the physical responses that emotion brings on. And since I likely won’t be brave enough to submit a class proposal that would put me in the position of standing in front of a bunch of strangers and acting like I was qualified to teach said strangers, I decided to cheat. I recorded a little mini presentation in the comfort of my own home.
Clean Romance Highlights
Sweet Deal
Suffering the Scot by Nicole Van is FREE right now. This is book one of the Brotherhood of the Black Tartan series. The next three are all $.99. I’ve read them all and recommend them all.
Sweet New Release
A Proper Scoundrel by Esther Hatch released a couple weeks ago. I read it and truly enjoyed it.
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