The end of another year.
I’m constantly reminding myself to take a chill pill each time I remember that I went an entire calendar year without publishing anything.
I wish I was faster. I do. But, I keep reminding myself that it’s okay that the schedule is different this time, because I’m doing things a little differently on purpose. Yes, you’ll have to wait longer between my last release and my next, but once I release my next book…You’ll get a mini flood of books from me.
It will start with Hooked.

But what if she’s ready to fall for him instead?
Then a month later, I will release my Little Red Riding Hood book, which had a title, but that title might be changing. And a month after that, I will release….my Robin Hood retelling…which also doesn’t have a name yet. *hangs head in shame* I finally had to admit that I need to finish the book before I can truly pick a title.
I wish I could give y’all a release date, or a solid time frame. But the best I can do is say that I would like to have Hooked on pre-order in March. So hopefully it will be a spring filled with fairytale releases from me.
After what turned out to be a really wonderful holiday break, my kids are back at school, and I’ll hopefully be back at the grindstone. I’m supposed to give my first draft of Book 3 to my editor at the beginning of February, so that deadline should give me the kick in the pants that I need. I’m having a lot of fun with Miriam and Rowan. I know a lot about their backstories, which helps tremendously with character development and secret sharing and being vulnerable. I just gotta make sure there is plenty of chemistry with it. (It’s SCIENCE!)
If you want to watch me chat about how Just Ella came to be, here’s a video on that.
And if you want to see me rant about CATS, here’s a video on that.
If you want some suggestions for free or cheap clean romances…
Clean Romance Highlights
The Kiss of a Stranger was the first book of Sarah’s that I read years and years ago. It’s only $1.99.
Saving Shadow by Laura Beers is $.99.
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