Hello, friends. Just a quick note to let you know TWO things.
#1: Saving Marilee is FREE now through Sunday. Since my Tales of Winberg series is spun off of Saving Marilee and the characters we meet there, I figured it would be fun to make it free.

#2: The paperback of Hooked is available NOW. Yup. You can purchase physical copies of this beauty right now and probably have it in your hands before the ebook releases on March 8th. (I say probably because you never know with Amazon lately…)

I am so excited for this series, y’all. Especially that I get to share all three books with you in quick succession. You all know that I’m not a prolific writer, so getting these books written and ready has been an accomplishment for sure. I just hope that my readers enjoy them as much as I enjoyed writing them. I loved returning to my Dalthia world. Thank you, my dears, for all your support. ❤️ 💕
Sweet Romance Highlights
Looks like we’re doing RomComs today!
Hate to Love the Inspector by Elsie Woods is FREE today.
Annie and the Movie Star is a new release by Amy Sparling.
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