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What’s Next?

Let’s talk about the projects that I have in the works.

By the time I was finishing up books 1-3 of The Tales of Winberg series, I knew there would be more. Three more, in fact. I wanted to give Johnny a story, since he’s played a big roll in each story since Hooked. I also knew that I needed to tell Elise Wolfe’s story. And, of course, after seeing the utter adorableness that is Ansel and Gretchen (and I’m sure their story is obvious), you’d better believe they needed a story.

I fully intended to have Johnny’s story be the next in line. I had cast him as Jack in a Jack and the Beanstalk retelling, but after trying to work on that for a while, I set it aside. He’s just not speaking to me yet.

And when I say HE‘s not talking to me yet that’s on purpose. I’m going to be brave and try something new with these next three. I intend to write them in dual POV. (DUN DUN DUN). Now, I know. I know I’ve told y’all how I feel about dual POV and how, much of the time, it just doesn’t do it for me. But the more I thought about these stories, and the more I remembered the amazing books that I have read that were dual POV (Amy Harmon and Nicole Van especially), the more I couldn’t let go of the idea. So even though Johnny wasn’t willing to talk to me, I thought perhaps the other gentlemen (and their ladies, of course) might be more forthcoming.

Obviously, Ansel and Gretchen are significantly younger than the rest, so their story will need to be last. That left me with Elise, and I’d known from the beginning that she was going to be my Alice.

This project has been especially interesting to tackle because the original source material does not lend itself to romance. In the book, she’s seven years old. Alice in Wonderland is not a romantic story. But picking stories that don’t have much of a romantic element is one of the things I’ve enjoyed most. And from the very beginning, I so clearly saw Elise through Hatcher’s eyes. Hatcher is my Mad Hatter character. Yup, that’s what I’m going with.

So, now that school has started and my days are free for me to use how I will, I’m diving into this story, figuring out how to incorporate clocks and tea parties and croquet matches. Wish me luck!

P.S. I’ve decided to put All Our Broken Pieces on sale for $.99 for the next month or so.

Beacon is a new release by Camille Peters.

Published inStarling and HatterTales of Winberg


  1. Jewelyn Jewelyn

    I love your writing! I read the Winberg series first and just finished the Dalthia series. I’m wondering if you have any plans on telling Bram’s story (Keeping Kinley). He seems like a complex character, and I’d love to see how he overcomes his past despite his reputation.

    • You shall be the first to know this. The answer is YES. I just recently decided to use Bram as the hero of a novella I’m planning for next year. I really loved him in Keeping Kinley and I’m super excited to bring him back.

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