Save the date: Come see me! I’ll be part of a multi-author BOOK SIGNING in Tremonton UT on July 15th. I REALLY hope some of you can come! It will be at the Box Elder Fair Grounds Events Center (Tremonton, UT). I’ll have books you can buy, or if you want to bring paperbacks you already have, I’d be more than happy to sign those. Or, I’d just love to chat, so please come say hi! (Please don’t leave me sitting at that table by myself all day…)
Pardon me while I stuff insecure-me back into her box…And we can move on to other exciting things.
Today I’m helping out with a cover reveal! May I introduce you to a new author and one of my favorite people in the world, Kimberly Pearl!
Emerald of the Sea is her debut novel, and if you like swashbuckling adventure, swoony romance, and regency vibes, you can preorder here, or follow Kimberly’s Amazon author profile to be notified when it releases on July 1st.
Now look at this gorgeous cover!
Backstabbing pirates.
Extravagant dinner parties.
Falling in love with the one man who’s out of reach.
In addition to being my super awesome sister (I told you she was one of my favorite people!), Kimberly is one of the authors collaborating on The Shattered Tales series. And I’ll finally be able to share the cover for my contribution to that series, To Betray a King, in my next news letter, so stay tuned!

Clean Romance Highlights
Leialoha Humphrey’s has a free book you can download here.
J.M. Stengl has a freebie as well! The Rose and the Briar is free today and tomorrow.
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