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Join Me on Zoom! Tomorrow.

Just a quick reminder that tomorrow, Tuesday November 14th, I will be participating in the Love and Laughter online author meet and greet. Over 40 clean romance authors will be participating. There’s a general intro at the beginning and then we will be separated out into smaller rooms. This year, I’m sharing a Zoom room with Kathleen Baldwin and we’ll be ready and waiting to talk books, writing, and answer any questions that you bring!

The event is totally FREE, and you have a chance to win a huge bundle of signed books from the authors, as well as getting access to many freebies. There’s pretty much no downside to participating. So come! Register at so you can get the link to the Zoom call.

It starts at 4:30 PST, 5:30 MST, 6:30 CDT, and 7:30 PST. So for me, here in Boise, I’ll be seeing everyone at 5:30 tomorrow! It’s a two hour event, but if you can only make it for a portion of the time, that’s totally fine!

And I might just end up sharing a sneak peak of my Waking Roslyn cover with those who come.

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