The Hidden Gift has been released for a little over a week and the response has been so lovely! I hope you all have enjoyed/are enjoying reading it and that it gives you all the swoony feels that I was hoping for. (And please review it if you can!)
I’ve added a new page to my website for those who are interested in SIGNED PAPERBACKS! Prices and a rundown for how that works are on that page.
I have some brand new bookmarks for each of my series that are very pretty, if I do say so myself.

Story Time
I had so much fun at the Idaho Renaissance Faire a few weekends ago! I love people watching and admiring everyone’s elaborate outfits. It’s such a great example of wholesome creativity. From the swords and tiaras to the kids running around hoping to trade trinkets, the whole thing just makes me happy.
I loved talking to all the people that wandered into my booth, but there were a few interactions that were especially memorable.
- The 3 college guys that wandered in because their roommate reads romance and they figured they should give it a try.
- The family that came in. The mother was clearly interested but had decided it would be more economical to get the ebooks, but her husband said, “But these are the kind of books that you like! Why don’t you get the whole series?” And ended up buying all the Winberg books for her.
- The slightly drunk girl that stumbled in, giggling about how it was inevitable that she would buy one, even though she had too many unread books at home. Her husband stood behind her, slightly exasperated, but resigned to the inevitable.
- The mother and daughter who came in and each bought a book (Hooked and Just Ella) with plans to read them and then swap. They later emailed me to let me know that instead of swapping right away, they had each decided to buy the rest of their respective series, read all of them, and THEN trade the whole series. You can probably imagine just how much I was beaming at that news.
I will be doing one more live event this year. I’ll be at the Sawtooth Holiday Shoppe at Sawtooth Middle School in Meridian Idaho on Dec 7th. Maybe next year, I’ll get brave and do an event that’s a little farther from home. Any suggestions?

Clean Romance Highlights
The Candlelight Chapel is a new release from Jennifer Griffith.
Two stuck people. One healing space.
A Christmas miracle could un-stick them—together.
A Lady Most Fitting by Sienna Peake is a regency retelling of The Elves and the Shoemaker.
If the shoe fits, then…
The Erlking’s Daughters by Claire Trella Hill is a fantasy romance.
She’s his enemy. He shouldn’t trust her. But she may be his only hope for salvation.
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