I have been so SO excited for my cover artist to work on my cover, especially since I finished the rough draft of Paths Unknown, I’m ready to get all the things done! So I worked with Karri on Tuesday and Wednesday, and I HAVE MY COVER!!!! *Squeals of delight*
Usually I would wait until I have an official blurb, or at least an official tagline, but I don’t want to wait! So because you are one of my newsletter besties, you get to see it right away! Here it is!
It’s so perfect! And although I don’t have an official tagline, I wanted to at least give a taste, so here you go:
I’m planning to release it in May, and as soon as I have an official release date and preorder, I will be sure to let you know!
In other news, I was able to be a vendor at StoryCon in Salt Lake last weekend. My sister, Kimberly Pearl, and I shared a booth. Let me tell you, being a vendor with an author buddy (especially a sister) is SO much more fun that doing it on my own. I am not a salesperson, and having to put myself out there and hawk my wares and pitch my books to people over and over is pretty hard for me. Also, the standing for eight hours is not my favorite. But having Kimi there made it so fun. AND we both got crowns.
It was a good experience, and I loved getting to see so many readers, both old and new, but I doubt that I would travel for a conference like this again. With all of the prep, and the driving time, it wasn’t quite worth all the effort. I would absolutely do another conference like this if it was within a couple hours of where I live though. I’ll have to keep an eye out for more opportunities that are closer to home.
Also, if I’m honest, I didn’t love the venue. The Salt Palace was huge, and difficult to navigate, and didn’t have enough signage to let you know if you were headed the right way or not. After the first day, I headed to my car…or, I headed to where I thought my car should be, only to discover I was in the wrong lot. So I had to backtrack, and even then I wasn’t sure where I had come from that morning, and eventually I had to have a security guard walk me most of the way out. Thank you, Mr. Security Guard, you were very kind. When I was almost to my car, my Apple Watch asked me if I wanted to record my “outdoor walk.” I said yes. When I got to my car, I looked to see how far my walk had been as I simply tried to get from the vendor hall to my car. 9/10 of a mile. *Shaking my head*
I did better on day two.